Guest Guide: What to Expect
Hello, and thanks for your willingness to collaborate on an episode of 16:1! We have assembled the following FAQ to help answer questions and ensure smooth interviewing/recording sessions. Please feel free to get in touch if you have further questions about your upcoming guest appearance!
We use software called SquadCast to conduct remote interviews. SquadCast is specially designed to make the process of recording podcasts seamless. A link to your SquadCast recording session will be provided ahead of your guest interview.
We’d like to leave enough time during our recording block to run a quick test recording session just to make sure everything works and sounds ok. This should take no more than 5-10 minutes.
Yes, we record video alongside the podcast audio. We may use video snippets on our social media channels in addition to posting full episodes on YouTube or other platforms.
If possible, please find a quiet room with a stable internet connection that can be used for the call. Life will happen; some noise is inevitable, but we’ll do our best! Please try to arrange for a neutral or uncluttered background in your video recording frame, and try not to sit in front of bright light sources.
You do not need to invest in a pricey microphone for this recording session, but we do count on guests to use earbuds with a built-in mic to guarantee a minimum level of sound quality. If you prefer to use more sophisticated microphones/equipment, that’s also fine, though not necessary! Using earbuds (as opposed to a laptop mic/speaker) will help with sound quality a lot. If possible, try to avoid wireless earbuds that connect over Bluetooth; Bluetooth reduces audio quality due to compression.
We will share notes and questions with you ahead of time for your review and collaboration. We work in Google Docs, so if you could provide us a preferred email address for sharing, we will share access to these documents.
We typically construct our shows around an outline containing organized research about the week’s topic. The podcast is conversational in style; episodes end up being around 45 minutes in length. We’ll likely record at least 1.5 hours of audio, which will be edited down for time. We appreciate humor on the pod. We bleep out curse words, but don’t worry about censoring yourself if that’s a concern— we apply bleeps in post-production.
Please send us a favorite photo of yourself (a professional headshot or whatever photo best represents you to our listeners). We’d also like a brief paragraph to serve as a bio, which we may include with episode information. If you have any social media profiles, resources, or other items you want to share with our listeners, please also send those over, and we will include them with our show notes (at our discretion).
It’s important for us to obtain your official permission to appear on 16:1. In advance of our interview, please sign the media release form provided by Moonbeam Multimedia and return it to us by email. 16:1 is a production of Moonbeam Multimedia.
We always share one thing we’ve recently learned when we make our episodes. Please make a note of something you’d like to share!